Tsquare Photography contributor

Nanyan Palace

The Journey to Wudang Shan

Nanyan Palace

The Wudang mountain range is located in the Hubei province of China. Wudang Shan is the home of taoism and has centuries of history.

There is nothing like late fall in the Wudang mountains There is nothing like late fall in the Wudang mountains

Visiting Wudang Shan has been on my must see places since I watched the remake of Karate Kid with Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith close to ten years ago. Well I finally made the voyage this last fall.

A temple suspended from the side of a cliff A temple suspended from the side of a cliff

One can easily spend three days or more visiting all the Temples and sites within Wudang Shan. I am focusing on Nanyan Palace for this blog.

Nanyan Palace info Nanyan Palace info

Nanyan Palace is built into the side of the cliffs Nanyan Palace is built into the side of the cliffs

Be prepared for lots of climbing up thousands of stairs. There are points of interest to see as you walk and places to take a quick breather if needed.

Stairs will get your cardio in for the day Stairs will get your cardio in for the day

Nanyan Palace is considered the most spectacular of the three famous temples and is a Unesco World Heritage site.

Morning Dim Sum Morning Dim Sum

I wonder how many times this foo dog door knocker has been used over the decades? I wonder how many times this foo dog door knocker has been used over the decades?

History of Wudang Shan dates back to 627 AD with the building of the first temple During the Tang Dynasty. Successive emperors continued building with a total of nine palaces, seventy two temples built into the cliffs, and thirty six Taoist monasteries.

Straight up view of Nanyan Palace Straight up view of Nanyan Palace

An amazing place looking like its clinging to the cliffside An amazing place looking like its clinging to the cliffside

You cannot explain the calm that you feel as you walk thru these century old buildings.

Finally I am to the place i came to see Finally I am to the place i came to see

Almost there, just a few more stairs Almost there, just a few more stairs

The Dragon Head Incense Burner The Dragon Head Incense Burner

View like in the movie minus the cobra and taoist girl View like in the movie minus the cobra and taoist girl

I definitely was not disappointed once i reached Nanyan Palace. Even if your not a fan of the movie, there is so much history oozing out of every inch of this special place

Jin Bell sign Jin Bell sign

Jin Bell Jin Bell

I came all this way, of course i have to hit the Jin Bell. I actually hit it eight times as eight is a lucky number in Chinese culture.

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